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Day 2 post op

Ohhhh what a journey! I would never imagine going through this one day. You know, the say, that ah, it always happen to someone else, but now, its happening to us, for real. In general, Im a very anxious person, I can stress over small things very quickly, but when its my pets, its x 10000 Everything is going fine with Novak, but I cant shake the stress feeling inside me. Today, I left Novak with Daniel so I can get some food for him and other things that we needed for the house. I was so anxious to get home and to see that everything was ok… man, its tiring!!! Can I just breathe and let go, like my tattoo is saying on my arm!! I mean I cant live and the fear of something going wrong, and if something happen, thats ok, I work at a vet clinic and we will take care of it.

Im trying to find sort of a routine in the house for sleeping arrangement, for potty break, feeding, putting him in the kitchen, in the living room, changing him place so he can be close to me, but now, I think, its too much. I should pick a place, like the living room where we spent most time and then bedtime with me so we can cuddle.

So for the good positive things, Novak is eating well, peeing, did his first poo this morning and getting around just fine. His incision is looking ok, but a bit red and blue and there loose skin at some place, like its empty, I dont think its seroma, but on monday morning I will bring him to the vet to make sure. I send picture to my vet and she said it look fine, but, was hard to take a pic of the empty loose pocket.

I removed the fentanyl patch today and wow, it was so glue on, it was hard to rip from the skin and it hurt him…poor Novak. It left some redness on the skin, but nothing to worry about for now.

Novak doesnt try to lick for now, so he doesn’t need the cone, but Im always checking him. If I have to leave him alone, I put the cone just to make sure he doesn’t lick.

He seem more confortable on the soft bed, than the orthopedic bed that I just bough, I think because its less hard on his limb, less pressure.

He can sit and when he does, it so funny, cause it seem normal, I mean, the limb is useful, it rest like the leg was there. I can see him move the limb, that thing is crazy!! LOLOL

Sometime, he feels restless in the cage, he moves a lot and change position a lot. When hes with me on the mattress(bed), he just cuddle and seem less restless, but he was always near me before, so, maybe its that, or maybe hes in pain, unconfortable…dont really know. But in general, he’s relax and sleep.

I can’t wait till all this is over, he we can have a new normal…

5 Comments so far

  1.   dobemom on July 31st, 2016          Reply

    Yep! This journey is a roller coaster ride like none you’ve ever been on! You will second guess every decision, analayze every little thing, stress and worry about EVERYTIHNIG! I know I did. And 2 years later, I still do. You are not alone, what you’re feeling and thinking are the same things we here have all felt and thought. Take it one day at a time…..rejoice in every little milestone that Novak reaches. Tripawds are amazing!

    Paula and Nitro

  2.   Codie Rae on July 31st, 2016          Reply

    OMD! You are doing everything right! Try not to hover and stress, I know it is hard but Novak will pick up on it for sure. The more relaxed you can be around him the more relaxed he will be 🙂 I know it seems endless right now but this too will pass!

    You left part of the femur, right? My 3 all had mid femoral amps. Two had plenty of muscle left behind and it seems to be be helpful for balance and definitely for sitting on (even tho some vets say it doesn’t make any difference). When our girl was young she actually had major muscle definition in her stump that would suggest that she really used it. One of ours had a hatchet job done and they did not leave much muscle behind. He sits funny and actually has a callus on his butt from it.

    Hang in there, it sounds like Novak is doing really well. He has already pooped! That is a major milestone 🙂

    Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack

    •   voodoo on August 1st, 2016          Reply

      Yes we did leave a part of the femur and yes he’s using it! So weird to see “it” move. Im really happy to have opted for that option, keeping a short part of the femur.

      By the way, Im so much better today! My level of stress went from 10000000 to a 10 LOLOL Apart from a bit of seroma, everything is going perfect! What can I ask for more?? I mean, maybe thats why I have still a stress level of 10, waiting for something wrong to happen. Im reading so much stuff in here, that sometime, it scare me to see all that happened wrong. But Novak is not sick, he’s in good health and just had a big surgery and Im taking good care of him, so everything should continue to be fantastic!

  3.   Gigi Cieri on August 1st, 2016          Reply

    I hope Novak continues to recover well, and I’m sure he will with your constant love and attention! I think the 12 days of wearing the cone upset my Molly most of all, so Novak has one benefit right there!
    I’m feeling a bit worried now by your post and the person who commented above regarding the constant concern and the roller coaster. Molly is a bit past 3 weeks post op, and she’s doing so well that I treat her the same as my other 2 dogs and the same as before the accident. Am I supposed to be worried about something in particular?

    •   voodoo on August 1st, 2016          Reply

      No I dont think you have to be worried. If everything is going well, great!

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